Explore. Discover. Play. Create. Invent.

September 21, 2024


Maker Faire in Mladá Boleslav!

Maker Faire is coming to Mladá Boleslav for the sixth time, and again it will take place in the perfectly designed space of Pluhárna. We connect enthusiastic makers, inventors, innovators, tinkerers and DIY fans. You will explore a range of projects not only from local makers and participate in numerous workshops and installations. The programme is set to take place mainly indoors and partly outdoors.

🚀 Electronic and technological gadgets

🚀 Design

🚀 3D Print & Robotics

🚀 Crafts & Sustainability projects

What is the Maker Faire?

It is a festival full of workshops, interactive activities and above all enthusiastic and enquiring people. The world-class creativity showcase brings together garage makers and professionals, and provides smart entertainment for families with children. Maker Faire brings together modern technology, science, design and traditional crafts.

Maker is a designerMaker is a visionaryMaker is an enthusiast21st century DIY – The MakersMaker is an innovator..

Anyone with a creative spirit can be a maker. Makers are the ones who don’t settle for ordinary and mundane technologies or services. They are the people who come up with innovations and new ideas, and share them with others.

What? When? Where?
21st September 2024

10:00 – 17:00

In Mladá Boleslav you will meet local makers and makers from all over the country! What would you say to a robotics workshop or building water rockets?

Makers for Mladá Boleslav?

Přehraj desku – postav gramofon

GRAMOFOND, nadační fond GZ Media

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Maker Laboratoř

Nově se na Maker Faire budete moci setkat s interaktivními exponáty, dílničkami a výrobou v jedinečném koutku nové Maker Laboratoře.…


Vladimír Tondr

výrobky, které tato firma produkovala

DN & JK Design

Umění & Design
Jakub Křováček

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Martina Kutilová

Představím vám speciální smyčkové příze a specifickou techniku pro jejich pletení. Ukážu vám, jak z přízí tvořím velkoformátové obrazy s…


Ondřej Tůma

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Exhibit on Maker Faire

We are eager to meet you and see your inventions. Show your project to the public at Maker Faire festivals.