[id] => 533
[form_id] => 2
[post_id] =>
[date_created] => 2023-07-24 21:17:06
[date_updated] => 2024-03-26 20:42:19
[is_starred] => 0
[is_read] => 1
[ip] =>
[source_url] =>
[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
[currency] => CZK
[payment_status] =>
[payment_date] =>
[payment_amount] =>
[payment_method] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[is_fulfilled] =>
[created_by] => 0
[transaction_type] =>
[status] => active
[151] => Objevárium
[397] => Objevárium makes learning fun. We present playful unconventional exhibitions and programs for children of all ages. Our aim is stimulate the intellectual and creative development of children and adults with new approaches to learning and the arts. Signature exhibits include Leonardo, Šesty smysl města and Leťme vysoko. Since its beginning in 2009, Objevárium has fed the brains and senses of more than 100,000 people all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
[16] => We will present hands-on activities for children on the topic of flight. Children can make and test paper airplanes and construct their own flying creature automata.
[22] =>
[27] =>
[383] => 3
[344] => 300
[345] => 300
[400] => 3
[401] => 6
[64] => electricity
[74] => no
[96.3] => Karey
[96.6] => Rawitscher
[98] =>
[99] => 725501996
[101.3] => České Budějovice
[101.5] => 37001
[109] => Objevárium
[111] =>
[110] => We make cool stuff for kids to do.
[112] =>
[287] => Make the world a better more interesting place for kids...spark creativity.
[134] => Nope
[303] => Proposed
[is_approved] => 1
[421.2] => cbudejovice
[480.2] => 2023
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We will present hands-on activities for children on the topic of flight. Children can make and test paper airplanes and construct their own flying creature automata.