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We have three projects we would like to show at our stand:
- A full Cessna flight simulator. It has a 1:1 scale compared to a real Cessna. Its equipped with with two sincronised yokes, an altimeter, a speedometer, a artificial horizont, the switches necessary for startup and even more flight instruments. The visual parts are fully 3D printed. The meters are operated by servos, but there are some next generation avionics with displayes, too. The simulator is running on Xplane 12.
- A machine that can create Lego mosaics automatically from images. First, it downscales the users image and generates instructions on how to assemble the mosaic, similar to a slicer in 3D printing. The machine uses a CoreXY gantry, similar to basic CNC machines to position the toolhead. It picks up different colored 1x1 Lego pieces from the side with suction and precisely pushes them into the right place on a Lego board which is held securely in place. After some (a lot) of time, it finishes the image all by itself.
-A custom-designed 1-meter-long UAV. The design features a 2-axis gimbal camera for looking around during flight, an aerodynamic shark-like fuselage, and an efficient propulsion system to allow better endurance. It can carry and deploy cargo mid-flight or launch a drone mounted on the fuselage, enabling vertical takeoff (as the drone is really strong) and extended drone range. Additionally, the UAV includes retractable landing gear and supports hand launching for greater versatility.