Array ( [id] => 291 [form_id] => 2 [post_id] => [date_created] => 2023-04-20 08:42:57 [date_updated] => 2024-03-28 21:00:09 [is_starred] => 0 [is_read] => 1 [ip] => [source_url] => [user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0 [currency] => CZK [payment_status] => [payment_date] => [payment_amount] => [payment_method] => [transaction_id] => [is_fulfilled] => [created_by] => 0 [transaction_type] => [status] => active [151] => Fundacja Bobrowe Żeremia [397] => Fundacja Bobrowe Żeremia is an place where modern and old technic are combine. We are specilize in builiding and designeing kayaks and canoe. Oure specailastion is Skin on frame buliding technic. By which we are tryaing to promote and teach kids and adults an cooperation and manual works. We are also learn tradiotional woodworking and helping in building social garndes. We would like to present our work which we do in Poland. [16] => I will present kayaks and canoes bulid in Skin on Frame building technik. Which are an exelent projkect for group or individual building. This technic combine modern and old technologi. In one project kids, can learn such skils like, tieing, ironing, sewing. I would like to also make an presantaion about this technic based at my ovne expiriens in organizaing such coureses. [382] => Presentation will be present at slides. It will show from where Skin on frame technique comes and how it is use in working with kids. [22] => [27] => [383] => 2 [344] => 500 [345] => 300 [400] => 1 [401] => 2 [74] => No [96.3] => Marcin [96.6] => Bober [98] => [99] => 0048502495980 [101.3] => Chorzów [101.5] => 41-506 [109] => Fundacja Bobrowe Żeremia [111] => [110] => Fundacja Bobrowe Żeremia is a place where tradition meets modernity, and our activities revolve around wood and bicycles. We teach young people that they can create unique things with their own hands, [112] => [321.26] => makerspace [303] => Proposed [is_approved] => 1 [421.1] => brno [421.8] => ostrava [421.9] => prague [480.2] => 2023 [4] => [421.2] => [421.3] => [421.4] => [421.5] => [421.6] => [421.7] => [421.11] => [421.12] => [480.1] => [478] => [422.1] => [422.2] => [422.3] => [422.4] => [422.5] => [439.1] => [439.2] => [444] => [443] => [452] => [457] => [455] => [458] => [456] => [459] => [454] => [460] => [462] => [463] => [464] => [465] => [466] => [467] => [453] => [468] => [470] => [471] => [472] => [473] => [474] => [475] => [447] => [449] => [448] => [450] => [432.1] => [432.2] => [432.3] => [415] => [433] => [426] => [424] => [428] => [429] => [430] => [431] => [416] => [425] => [427] => [434] => [435] => [481] => [437] => [438] => [391] => [392] => [393] => [394] => [396] => [395] => [32] => [139] => [390] => [60] => [64] => [77] => [82] => [83] => [85] => [389] => [94] => [95] => [96.2] => [96.4] => [96.8] => [101.1] => [101.2] => [101.4] => [101.6] => [104] => [105] => [248] => [294.1] => [160.2] => [160.3] => [160.4] => [160.6] => [160.8] => [161] => [192] => [209] => [217] => [234] => [310] => [273.1] => [249] => [158.2] => [158.3] => [158.4] => [158.6] => [158.8] => [162] => [208] => [216] => [224] => [258] => [311] => [274.1] => [250] => [155.2] => [155.3] => [155.4] => [155.6] => [155.8] => [167] => [207] => [215] => [223] => [259] => [312] => [278.1] => [251] => [156.2] => [156.3] => [156.4] => [156.6] => [156.8] => [166] => [206] => [214] => [222] => [260] => [313] => [279.1] => [252] => [157.2] => [157.3] => [157.4] => [157.6] => [157.8] => [165] => [205] => [213] => [220] => [261] => [314] => [280.1] => [241] => [159.2] => [159.3] => [159.4] => [159.6] => [159.8] => [164] => [204] => [211] => [221] => [262] => [270] => [315] => [281.1] => [242] => [154.2] => [154.3] => [154.4] => [154.6] => [154.8] => [163] => [203] => [212] => [219] => [263] => [316] => [272] => [138] => [119] => [320] => [321.1] => [321.2] => [321.3] => [321.4] => [321.5] => [321.6] => [321.7] => [321.8] => [321.9] => [321.11] => [321.12] => [321.13] => [321.14] => [321.15] => [321.16] => [321.17] => [321.18] => [321.19] => [321.21] => [321.22] => [321.23] => [321.24] => [321.25] => [321.27] => [321.28] => [321.29] => [321.31] => [321.32] => [321.33] => [321.34] => [321.35] => [321.36] => [321.37] => [321.38] => [287] => [134] => [140] => [135] => [136] => [150] => [117.1] => [304.1] => [304.2] => [304.3] => [325] => [326] => [workflow_current_status_timestamp] => )

Fundacja Bobrowe Żeremia

I will present kayaks and canoes bulid in Skin on Frame building technik. Which are an exelent projkect for group or individual building. This technic combine modern and old technologi. In one project kids, can learn such skils like, tieing, ironing, sewing. I would like to also make an presantaion about this technic based at my ovne expiriens in organizaing such coureses.


Marcin Bober