Array ( [id] => 381 [form_id] => 2 [post_id] => [date_created] => 2023-05-12 06:29:23 [date_updated] => 2024-03-28 20:05:22 [is_starred] => 0 [is_read] => 1 [ip] => [source_url] => [user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 [currency] => CZK [payment_status] => [payment_date] => [payment_amount] => [payment_method] => [transaction_id] => [is_fulfilled] => [created_by] => 0 [transaction_type] => [status] => active [151] => Espressif Systems [397] => We want to participate in events scheduled to take place in Prague and Brno. Espressif recognises the potential benefits of participating in Maker Faires, which include exhibiting our newest products and receiving valuable input from the maker community. The company aims to reinforce its brand presence in the Czech Republic by joining these events and establishing ties with local makers and DIY enthusiasts.

Chceme se zúčastnit akcí plánovaných v Praze a Brně. Espressif si uvědomuje potenciální výhody účasti na Maker Faires, mezi které patří vystavení našich nejnovějších produktů a získání cenných podnětů od komunity tvůrců. Zapojením do těchto akcí chce společnost posílit přítomnost své značky v České republice a navázat vazby s místními tvůrci a kutily.

[16] =>

We would like to showcase Espressif's many MCU offerings as well as our open-source software solutions. We would like to demonstrate some of our projects based on our microcontrollers and software. We would love to interact with the other makers and are looking forward to the many projects based on Espressif microcontrollers.

Rádi bychom vám představili řadu nabídek MCU společnosti Espressif a naše open-source softwarová řešení. Rádi bychom předvedli některé z našich projektů založených na našich mikrokontrolérech a softwaru. Rádi bychom komunikovali s ostatními tvůrci a těšíme se na mnoho projektů založených na mikrokontrolérech Espressif.

[22] => [27] => [32] => [383] => 10 [400] => 4 [401] => 5 [74] => No unconventional devices. [96.3] => Sudeep [96.6] => Mohanty [98] => [99] => 737050622 [101.3] => Přízova 285/3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic [101.5] => 60200 [109] => Espressif Systems (Czech) s.r.o [111] => [110] => Espressif is the company behind the popular ESP32 and ESP8266 series of microcontrollers. Many makers choose these MCUs to drive their projects and add WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. At Maker Faire, you can meet the developers of these chips and ask your (tricky) questions, get some help, or just draw inspiration. We would love to see your projects! We will also show you some of our solutions and future generations of ESP chips. Společnost Espressif je tvůrce populárních řad mikrokontrolerů ESP32 a ESP8266. Tyto jsou v komunitě makerů oblíbeným řešením pro řízení širokého spektra projektů s bezdrátovou WiFi a Bluetooth konektivitou. Na Maker Fairu se můžeš setkat s vývojáři těchto čipů, kteří ti rádi odpoví na otázky nebo pomohou. Moc rádi uvidíme tvůj projekt! Vystavena budou mnohá z našich řešení, vývojových desek a budoucích generací ESP čipů. [112] => [320] => it [321.3] => arduino [321.7] => it [321.28] => open-source [287] => We want to participate in events scheduled to take place in Prague and Brno. Espressif recognizes the potential benefits of participating in Maker Faires, which include exhibiting our newest products and receiving valuable input from the maker community. The company aims to reinforce its brand presence in the Czech Republic by joining these events and establishing ties with local makers and DIY enthusiasts. [303] => Proposed [is_approved] => 1 [105] => Organizace, sdružení, asociace [421.1] => brno [421.9] => prague [480.2] => 2023 [4] => [421.2] => [421.3] => [421.4] => [421.5] => [421.6] => [421.7] => [421.8] => [421.11] => [421.12] => [480.1] => [478] => [422.1] => [422.2] => [422.3] => [422.4] => [422.5] => [439.1] => [439.2] => [444] => [443] => [452] => [457] => [455] => [458] => [456] => [459] => [454] => [460] => [462] => [463] => [464] => [465] => [466] => [467] => [453] => [468] => [470] => [471] => [472] => [473] => [474] => [475] => [447] => [449] => [448] => [450] => [432.1] => [432.2] => [432.3] => [415] => [433] => [426] => [424] => [428] => [429] => [430] => [431] => [416] => [425] => [427] => [434] => [435] => [481] => [437] => [438] => [391] => [392] => [393] => [394] => [396] => [395] => [382] => [139] => [390] => [60] => [344] => [345] => [64] => [77] => [82] => [83] => [85] => [389] => [94] => [95] => [96.2] => [96.4] => [96.8] => [101.1] => [101.2] => [101.4] => [101.6] => [104] => [248] => [294.1] => [160.2] => [160.3] => [160.4] => [160.6] => [160.8] => [161] => [192] => [209] => [217] => [234] => [310] => [273.1] => [249] => [158.2] => [158.3] => [158.4] => [158.6] => [158.8] => [162] => [208] => [216] => [224] => [258] => [311] => [274.1] => [250] => [155.2] => [155.3] => [155.4] => [155.6] => [155.8] => [167] => [207] => [215] => [223] => [259] => [312] => [278.1] => [251] => [156.2] => [156.3] => [156.4] => [156.6] => [156.8] => [166] => [206] => [214] => [222] => [260] => [313] => [279.1] => [252] => [157.2] => [157.3] => [157.4] => [157.6] => [157.8] => [165] => [205] => [213] => [220] => [261] => [314] => [280.1] => [241] => [159.2] => [159.3] => [159.4] => [159.6] => [159.8] => [164] => [204] => [211] => [221] => [262] => [270] => [315] => [281.1] => [242] => [154.2] => [154.3] => [154.4] => [154.6] => [154.8] => [163] => [203] => [212] => [219] => [263] => [316] => [272] => [138] => [119] => [321.1] => [321.2] => [321.4] => [321.5] => [321.6] => [321.8] => [321.9] => [321.11] => [321.12] => [321.13] => [321.14] => [321.15] => [321.16] => [321.17] => [321.18] => [321.19] => [321.21] => [321.22] => [321.23] => [321.24] => [321.25] => [321.26] => [321.27] => [321.29] => [321.31] => [321.32] => [321.33] => [321.34] => [321.35] => [321.36] => [321.37] => [321.38] => [134] => [140] => [135] => [136] => [150] => [117.1] => [304.1] => [304.2] => [304.3] => [325] => [326] => [workflow_current_status_timestamp] => )

Espressif Systems


We would like to showcase Espressif's many MCU offerings as well as our open-source software solutions. We would like to demonstrate some of our projects based on our microcontrollers and software. We would love to interact with the other makers and are looking forward to the many projects based on Espressif microcontrollers.

Rádi bychom vám představili řadu nabídek MCU společnosti Espressif a naše open-source softwarová řešení. Rádi bychom předvedli některé z našich projektů založených na našich mikrokontrolérech a softwaru. Rádi bychom komunikovali s ostatními tvůrci a těšíme se na mnoho projektů založených na mikrokontrolérech Espressif.


Espressif Systems (Czech) s.r.o

Espressif is the company behind the popular ESP32 and ESP8266 series of microcontrollers. Many makers choose these MCUs to drive their projects and add WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. At Maker Faire, you can meet the developers of these chips and ask your (tricky) questions, get some help, or just draw inspiration. We would love to see your projects! We will also show you some of our solutions and future generations of ESP chips. Společnost Espressif je tvůrce populárních řad mikrokontrolerů ESP32 a ESP8266. Tyto jsou v komunitě makerů oblíbeným řešením pro řízení širokého spektra projektů s bezdrátovou WiFi a Bluetooth konektivitou. Na Maker Fairu se můžeš setkat s vývojáři těchto čipů, kteří ti rádi odpoví na otázky nebo pomohou. Moc rádi uvidíme tvůj projekt! Vystavena budou mnohá z našich řešení, vývojových desek a budoucích generací ESP čipů.